What's next, you ask? Well tomorrow I'm headed to the JCCSF for this:
Why Do We Eat Animals?
Foer is one of the most acclaimed writers of his generation. His first novels, Everything is Illuminated and Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, sold over 700,000 copies. His first work of nonfiction, Eating Animals, is a quest to understand meat, how it's produced and the environmental effects of eating animals. Foer explores all sides of the issue, including breaking into a chicken farm, and asserts few readers will look at their dinner the same way again.
Listen to a cute writer boy talk about his dedication to veganism? Yes, please.
I'm also pretty excited for a meal at one of SF's most fancy pants eateries this weekend, so stay tuned for that. Meanwhile, eat well!
Listen to a cute writer boy talk about his dedication to veganism? Yes, please.
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